Regional Decarbonization Framework

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What is the Regional Decarbonization Framework?

The Regional Decarbonization Framework (RDF) is our regionwide vision for achieving zero carbon emissions by 2045. It helps us understand our greatest challenges meeting this goal and envisions the next steps in achieving community-driven climate action.

Why is the RDF needed?

Climate action work is happening at all levels - from federal and State government initiatives to local climate action plans to community advocacy. But we recognize that more is needed to reach our zero-carbon emission goal. The RDF helps us link efforts across organizations, identify actions that cross boundary lines,

What is the Regional Decarbonization Framework?

The Regional Decarbonization Framework (RDF) is our regionwide vision for achieving zero carbon emissions by 2045. It helps us understand our greatest challenges meeting this goal and envisions the next steps in achieving community-driven climate action.

Why is the RDF needed?

Climate action work is happening at all levels - from federal and State government initiatives to local climate action plans to community advocacy. But we recognize that more is needed to reach our zero-carbon emission goal. The RDF helps us link efforts across organizations, identify actions that cross boundary lines, and prioritize community health and livability actions that result in lifetime climate resilience.

How can we co-create climate actions?

The Office of Sustainability and Environmental Justice (OSEJ) hosts “Community Climate Conversations” to listen to and work directly with communities to create initiatives to fill in these gaps. You know what is best for your community, and we are here to help. In our role at OSEJ, we are committed to:

  • Elevating existing and co-creating new initiatives;

  • Building bridges between geographies, programs, and people by connecting ideas, work, and priorities;

  • Uplifting regional and community values; and

  • Supporting tangible sustainability outcomes through efforts that address environmental justice

Alongside our local community partners, the Community Climate Conversations exist to provide you space to share your challenges and ideas, and to hear from others on their work and roles in addressing our climate crisis. While the central topic of each Conversation may change, at their core they will always be about hearing your needs.

How was the Regional Decarbonization Framework created?

Three “Foundational Publications” were created to provide a science-based understanding of what needs to happen regionally to achieve zero carbon emissions. These technical reports highlighted key areas where we can and need to work together to create a thriving, resilient, and livable region. The foundational publications helped form the vision of the Regional Decarbonization Framework and our collective effort to achieve zero carbon.

Upcoming Community Climate Conversations

The conversations continue on November 14th and 19th when we’ll connect and share how community ideas can become reality. Learn more about the partnerships, procedures, and funding resources that can help shape climate action and the future you want to see!

Page last updated: 22 Oct 2024, 10:28 AM