Update on Posted Draft Implementation Playbook
We have received many public comments regarding the activity “Adopt a policy to waive or expedite permitting requirements for projects with renewable energy generation and storage” in the draft of the Implementation Playbook (Table 4.3.1). In conferring with our technical consultants (USD EPIC), it is evident that this action was intended to apply to renewable electric generation at customer premises (e.g., buildings or parking lots) not utility-scale electric generation projects. This is consistent is with recommendations received during the Special Topic Working Groups and will be clarified in updated versions of the Playbook as follows:
1. REMOVE from Community Scale, Grid Supply: “Adopt a policy to waive or expedite permitting requirements for projects with renewable energy generation and energy storage”
2. ADD an action related to Community Scale, Customer-Side Supply to "Adopt a policy to waive or expedite permitting requirements for rooftop and infill projects that combine renewable generation and energy storage on or adjacent buildings (residences, businesses and parking lots) in new construction, alterations, or additions"
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