Base Station Hospital & Trauma Catchment Review

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The San Diego region offers a robust Emergency Medical Services (EMS) System of emergency, specialty, and trauma medical care through its cooperating hospitals. The County of San Diego, in its role as the Local Emergency Medical Services Agency (LEMSA) oversees and upholds the standards of the EMS system, which includes designation of base station hospitals, trauma centers, and trauma center catchment areas.

The purpose of this project is to conduct a comprehensive review and evaluation of:

  1. Base Station Hospital System (BSHS)
  2. Trauma Center Catchment Area Designations (TCCAD)

Public and stakeholder input is critical to ensure a comprehensive evaluation. Opportunities to learn and provide feedback on the project will be available through this site and other activities.

We look forward to hearing from you!


County EMS monitors and evaluates the local emergency medical system on an ongoing basis by conducting surveillance and reporting key system performance indicators and metrics. In collaboration with its partners through advisory groups such as the Emergency Medical Care Committee and the Health Services Capacity Task Force, the County EMS then revises policies and protocols as indicated by the data. Although there are systems in place to ensure data-driven adjustments can be made to the local EMS system when needed, there has not been a comprehensive evaluation of the base station hospital system model and trauma center catchment area designations in several decades. With the changing dynamics of the San Diego region in recent years and anticipated changes to San Diego demographics over the next decade, a comprehensive evaluation of these critical system components will be beneficial to ensure the local EMS system will continue to be one of the finest in the nation.

In developing the comprehensive evaluations, many factors will be considered including:

  • Industry research
  • Best practices
  • Public and stakeholder input

How can you participate in the process:

  • Stay informed by reviewing the information on this site
  • Share the information with others
  • Participate in the engagement tools on this site
  • Contribute to conversations at meetings and listening sessions
  • Speak up! Don't hesitate to ask questions

The San Diego region offers a robust Emergency Medical Services (EMS) System of emergency, specialty, and trauma medical care through its cooperating hospitals. The County of San Diego, in its role as the Local Emergency Medical Services Agency (LEMSA) oversees and upholds the standards of the EMS system, which includes designation of base station hospitals, trauma centers, and trauma center catchment areas.

The purpose of this project is to conduct a comprehensive review and evaluation of:

  1. Base Station Hospital System (BSHS)
  2. Trauma Center Catchment Area Designations (TCCAD)

Public and stakeholder input is critical to ensure a comprehensive evaluation. Opportunities to learn and provide feedback on the project will be available through this site and other activities.

We look forward to hearing from you!


County EMS monitors and evaluates the local emergency medical system on an ongoing basis by conducting surveillance and reporting key system performance indicators and metrics. In collaboration with its partners through advisory groups such as the Emergency Medical Care Committee and the Health Services Capacity Task Force, the County EMS then revises policies and protocols as indicated by the data. Although there are systems in place to ensure data-driven adjustments can be made to the local EMS system when needed, there has not been a comprehensive evaluation of the base station hospital system model and trauma center catchment area designations in several decades. With the changing dynamics of the San Diego region in recent years and anticipated changes to San Diego demographics over the next decade, a comprehensive evaluation of these critical system components will be beneficial to ensure the local EMS system will continue to be one of the finest in the nation.

In developing the comprehensive evaluations, many factors will be considered including:

  • Industry research
  • Best practices
  • Public and stakeholder input

How can you participate in the process:

  • Stay informed by reviewing the information on this site
  • Share the information with others
  • Participate in the engagement tools on this site
  • Contribute to conversations at meetings and listening sessions
  • Speak up! Don't hesitate to ask questions

  • Update Following San Diego County EMS Board of Supervisors Presentation

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    Yesterday, the San Diego County EMS Office (County EMS) presented an update to the Board of Supervisors (Board) regarding the Comprehensive Evaluations of the Base Station Hospital System and the Trauma Catchment Area Designations reports.

    After the Board meeting, the County EMS Administrator and County EMS Medical Director provided stakeholders with information about next steps in the process. County EMS' priority focus areas include access to real-time medical direction, quality assurance and clinical improvement processes, and comprehensive, countywide EMS system coordination.

    County EMS is committed to modernizing the EMS delivery system to enhance patient-centered, equitable EMS care for all San Diego County residents and visitors. We look forward to collaborating with all the various stakeholders in San Diego County throughout these next steps.

  • Final Reports Posted and Report Review Presentation/Q&A Opportunities

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    The County of San Diego EMS Office (CoSD EMS) is pleased to announce that Public Consulting Group (PCG) has concluded their Comprehensive Evaluation of the Base Station Hospital System and Trauma Center Catchment Area Designations.

    The Comprehensive Evaluation of the Base Station Hospital System Report and the Trauma Center Catchment Area Designations Report have been uploaded under Final Reports on the right-hand side of this webpage. Following the report publication, public comments about the reports will be accepted through June 30, 2024.

    Prior to presenting the reports to the Board of Supervisors, CoSD EMS and PCG have scheduled two virtual Zoom meetings to allow stakeholders to:

    - Learn about the study process

    - Review the report’s findings

    - Hear about next steps

    - Ask the consultant group questions about the report

    We invite all EMS system stakeholders, healthcare community members, and the public to participate.

    Virtual Q&A sessions were conducted on 6/5 and 6/6. We appreciate the attendees' comments and questions. Please see a recording of the 6/6 presentation here.

  • Recorded Presentation of Initial Findings and Recommendations

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    As part of the ongoing Comprehensive Evaluation of the Base Hospital System and Trauma Catchment Area Designation, the Public Consultant Group (PCG) shared its initial findings and recommendations at five in-person listening sessions. These sessions were held November 7 - November 9, 2023 in each of the San Diego County Supervisorial Districts.

    The recorded presentation link can be found here, hosted by PCG.

    This 57-minute presentation includes:

    • Project process and progress
    • Base Hospital System evaluation details
    • Trauma Catchment Area Designation assessments
    • Initial findings and recommendations.

  • Upcoming In-Person Listening Sessions (2nd Phase)

    Share Upcoming In-Person Listening Sessions (2nd Phase) on Facebook Share Upcoming In-Person Listening Sessions (2nd Phase) on Twitter Share Upcoming In-Person Listening Sessions (2nd Phase) on Linkedin Email Upcoming In-Person Listening Sessions (2nd Phase) link

    The 2nd phase of listening sessions has concluded. Thank you to all who attended.

    Through this second phase of listening sessions, PCG will present their findings. These findings include their analysis, including the information collected during the first phase of the project. PCG will hear feedback from stakeholders and the public following the presentation at each of these in-person listening sessions.

    For more information, please view the flyer title - Community Meetings (2nd phase) under "Outreach Flyers" on the right-hand side of this site.

  • Public Input Survey

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    This survey has concluded. Thank you for your input.

    The Public Input Survey is now live! Please click the link under the "Take a Survey" tab to complete this short survey as the County and PCG values your feedback.

  • Survey

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    This survey has concluded.

    The County of San Diego is collecting feedback from stakeholders of the Base Station Hospital System and Trauma Center Catchment Area Designations to gain vital information regarding each of these components of the County EMS system. This survey supports the current project – Comprehensive Evaluation of the Base Hospital System and Trauma Center Catchment Area Designations – conducted by Public Consulting Group LLC (PCG) on behalf of the County of San Diego.

    This survey was created by the PCG team and is formatted with various styles of questioning. We want to emphasize that there are no right or wrong responses, and we encourage everyone to express their anonymous thoughts and opinions.

    This survey is open to everyone, including hospital and EMS professionals, members of the public, and all stakeholders. Take the survey now!

  • Upcoming Virtual Listening Sessions!

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    The first phase of listening sessions has concluded. Thank you to all who attended.

    The County of San Diego would like to hear from you about the County’s Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Delivery System.

    We want to hear your thoughts on the following:

    · How paramedics and EMTs should receive medical direction,

    · Which hospital the patient should be taken to, and

    · Which Trauma Center should be selected if the patient is badly injured.

    On behalf of the County of San Diego, Public Consulting Group LLC (PCG) is conducting a Comprehensive Evaluation of the Base Station Hospital System and the Trauma Catchment Area Designations. A vital element of this evaluation is hearing your valuable input. We invite all EMS system stakeholders, healthcare community members, and the public to participate.

    Dates and times are listed under "Key Dates" on this web page.

Page last updated: 05 Feb 2025, 10:59 AM