Final Reports Posted and Report Review Presentation/Q&A Opportunities

The County of San Diego EMS Office (CoSD EMS) is pleased to announce that Public Consulting Group (PCG) has concluded their Comprehensive Evaluation of the Base Station Hospital System and Trauma Center Catchment Area Designations.
The Comprehensive Evaluation of the Base Station Hospital System Report and the Trauma Center Catchment Area Designations Report have been uploaded under Final Reports on the right-hand side of this webpage. Following the report publication, public comments about the reports will be accepted through June 30, 2024.
Prior to presenting the reports to the Board of Supervisors, CoSD EMS and PCG have scheduled two virtual Zoom meetings to allow stakeholders to:
- Learn about the study process
- Review the report’s findings
- Hear about next steps
- Ask the consultant group questions about the report
We invite all EMS system stakeholders, healthcare community members, and the public to participate.
Virtual Q&A sessions were conducted on 6/5 and 6/6. We appreciate the attendees' comments and questions. Please see a recording of the 6/6 presentation here.

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