Spring Valley Moves
Welcome to the engagement headquarters for the Spring Valley MOVES Project!
Spring Valley MOVES (Mobility Options Via Efficient Solutions) is part of the County's Community Based Transportation (CBT) Program. The CBT Program will advance collaboration with SANDAG, local transit agencies, and other community partners to engage in community-based planning initiatives that seek to improve quality of service through the SANDAG Smart Growth Incentive Program (SGIP) Cycle 5 Grant.
Spring Valley MOVES will focus on achieving greater equity and expanding mobility options within the community. It will explore unique opportunities to educate, analyze, and develop recommendations related to mobility.
More specifically, Spring Valley MOVES will look to achieve mobility goals that:
- Encourage and create opportunities for all community members to participate in the vision development, prioritization, and decision-making of travel options.
- Show how working collaboratively to improve neighborhood mobility and expand community capacities can promote community health, safety, housing, equity, and restorative justice.
- Grow active transportation networks (e.g., walking, biking, rolling, micro-mobility, and public transit).
- Analyze ways to better connect the Spring Valley community to transit options.
How can you participate in the process?
- Ask questions
- Review the information on this site- more details are coming soon!
- Contribute to conversations at meetings in your community- we will publish more information on those meetings on this page!
- Give us your feedback on documents as they are published in early 2025.
As a community-based effort, the development of the Spring Valley MOVES plan relies heavily on the collaborative engagement of a variety of partners, including community individuals, stakeholders, and community-based organization.
Throughout the development of this plan, the County will take the lead in facilitating engagement to hear more about the experience of moving around in the Spring Valley area. The engagement process will collect community input on areas of concern to determine the highest priorities for mobility improvements.
We will continue to use this page to publish upcoming events you can attend, drafts of the Spring Valley MOVES plan, and additional ways to submit your feedback.