Regional Decarbonization Framework
What is the Regional Decarbonization Framework?
The Regional Decarbonization Framework (RDF) is our regionwide vision for achieving zero carbon emissions by 2045. It helps us understand our greatest challenges meeting this goal and envisions the next steps in achieving community-driven climate action.
Why is the RDF needed?
Climate action work is happening at all levels - from federal and State government initiatives to local climate action plans to community advocacy. But we recognize that more is needed to reach our zero-carbon emission goal. The RDF helps us link efforts across organizations, identify actions that cross boundary lines,Continue reading
What is the Regional Decarbonization Framework?
The Regional Decarbonization Framework (RDF) is our regionwide vision for achieving zero carbon emissions by 2045. It helps us understand our greatest challenges meeting this goal and envisions the next steps in achieving community-driven climate action.
Why is the RDF needed?
Climate action work is happening at all levels - from federal and State government initiatives to local climate action plans to community advocacy. But we recognize that more is needed to reach our zero-carbon emission goal. The RDF helps us link efforts across organizations, identify actions that cross boundary lines, and prioritize community health and livability actions that result in lifetime climate resilience.
How can we co-create climate actions?
The Office of Sustainability and Environmental Justice (OSEJ) hosts “Community Climate Conversations” to listen to and work directly with communities to create initiatives to fill in these gaps. You know what is best for your community, and we are here to help. In our role at OSEJ, we are committed to:
Elevating existing and co-creating new initiatives;
Building bridges between geographies, programs, and people by connecting ideas, work, and priorities;
Uplifting regional and community values; and
Supporting tangible sustainability outcomes through efforts that address environmental justice
Alongside our local community partners, the Community Climate Conversations exist to provide you space to share your challenges and ideas, and to hear from others on their work and roles in addressing our climate crisis. While the central topic of each Conversation may change, at their core they will always be about hearing your needs.
How was the Regional Decarbonization Framework created?
Three “Foundational Publications” were created to provide a science-based understanding of what needs to happen regionally to achieve zero carbon emissions. These technical reports highlighted key areas where we can and need to work together to create a thriving, resilient, and livable region. The foundational publications helped form the vision of the Regional Decarbonization Framework and our collective effort to achieve zero carbon.
Upcoming Community Climate Conversations
Fall gatherings have ended. Be on the lookout for more gatherings Spring and Fall 2025. Learn more about the partnerships, procedures, and funding resources that can help shape climate action and the future you want to see!
- Updates
- Register for Fall Community Climate Conversations
- View the Draft RDF Playbook
- Ask a Question
Reminder – 1/23 District 3 Regional Convening for the Regional Decarbonization Framework
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Reminder – 1/18 District 1 Regional Convening for the Regional Decarbonization Framework
Share Reminder – 1/18 District 1 Regional Convening for the Regional Decarbonization Framework on Facebook Share Reminder – 1/18 District 1 Regional Convening for the Regional Decarbonization Framework on Twitter Share Reminder – 1/18 District 1 Regional Convening for the Regional Decarbonization Framework on Linkedin Email Reminder – 1/18 District 1 Regional Convening for the Regional Decarbonization Framework link -
Reminder – 1/17 District 4 Regional Convening for the Regional Decarbonization Framework
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County Hosts Neighbors at Forums on Local Climate Solutions
Share County Hosts Neighbors at Forums on Local Climate Solutions on Facebook Share County Hosts Neighbors at Forums on Local Climate Solutions on Twitter Share County Hosts Neighbors at Forums on Local Climate Solutions on Linkedin Email County Hosts Neighbors at Forums on Local Climate Solutions linkJanuary 2023 Regional Convenings for the Regional Decarbonization Framework
The Regional Decarbonization Framework team is hosting regional convenings to engage and educate the public on the impacts of climate change and our goal of achieving a zero-carbon future. Meetings will be held throughout January from 6-8 p.m. in each Supervisorial District. To accommodate those without online access, the 1/30 and 1/31 meetings will be offered virtually at satellite locations equipped with reliable internet access and computers.
Regional Convening Details
January 17 – District 4 | Valencia Park/Malcolm X Library: 5148 Market Street, San Diego, CA 92114
- Register here to participate virtually
January 18 – District 1 | San Ysidro Civic Center: 212 West Park Avenue, San Ysidro, CA 92173
- Register here to participate virtually
January 23 – District 3 | San Diego County Administration Center: 1600 Pacific Highway, San Diego, CA 92101
- Register here to participate virtually
January 30 – District 2 | El Cajon Valley High School – Event Center: 1035 East Madison Avenue, El Cajon, CA 92021
Satellite Location | Pine Valley Branch Library: 28804 Old Highway 80, Pine Valley, CA 91962
- Register here to participate virtually
January 31 – District 5 | North Inland Live Well Center: 649 West Mission Avenue, Escondido, CA 92025
Satellite Location| Borrego Springs Branch Library: 2580 Country Club Road, Borrego Springs, CA 92004
- Register here to participate virtually
If you cannot attend your district event, please feel free to attend another convening.
Translation will be available at the meetings if requested in advance. Please send your translation requests to as soon as possible.
Additional information about this framework can be found on the project website. We value your participation in our movement to lower the region’s carbon footprint and encourage you to comment and ask questions on our Engage San Diego County website.
Save the Date – Regional Convenings for the Regional Decarbonization Framework
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Recordatorio: Únase al debate regional sobre el cambio climático el 6 de diciembre
Share Recordatorio: Únase al debate regional sobre el cambio climático el 6 de diciembre on Facebook Share Recordatorio: Únase al debate regional sobre el cambio climático el 6 de diciembre on Twitter Share Recordatorio: Únase al debate regional sobre el cambio climático el 6 de diciembre on Linkedin Email Recordatorio: Únase al debate regional sobre el cambio climático el 6 de diciembre linkReunión comunitaria en español para hablar de soluciones para el cambio climático
El Condado de San Diego tomará medidas importantes para avanzar con soluciones para el cambio climático a través de su iniciativa “Marco regional de descarbonización”, un plan para mejorar el aire que respiramos, las comunidades en las que vivimos y nuestra calidad de vida en general. El equipo del Marco llevará a cabo una reunión comunitaria el 6 de diciembre de 2022 para conocer sus necesidades, preocupaciones y prioridades relacionadas con el clima. La reunión se realizará en español, y habrá servicios de interpretación en directo al inglés disponibles.
Detalles de la reunión
Fecha: Martes 6 de diciembre
Horario: 6:30-8 p.m. por Zoom
Regístrese con anticipación:
Después de haberse registrado, recibirá un correo electrónico de confirmación con información sobre cómo unirse a la reunión.
También hay servicios de traducción en directo disponibles a pedido en los siguientes idiomas: árabe, chino (mandarín), filipino (tagalo), coreano, persa (farsi y darí), somalí y vietnamita. Los servicios de interpretación se deben solicitar 5 días hábiles antes del evento. Envíe sus solicitudes a
¿Le preocupa el cambio climático? Asista a nuestra reunión comunitaria del 6 de diciembre
Share ¿Le preocupa el cambio climático? Asista a nuestra reunión comunitaria del 6 de diciembre on Facebook Share ¿Le preocupa el cambio climático? Asista a nuestra reunión comunitaria del 6 de diciembre on Twitter Share ¿Le preocupa el cambio climático? Asista a nuestra reunión comunitaria del 6 de diciembre on Linkedin Email ¿Le preocupa el cambio climático? Asista a nuestra reunión comunitaria del 6 de diciembre linkÚnase a nuestra reunión comunitaria en español que se realizará en línea el 6 de diciembre
El clima global está cambiando y afectando a nuestras comunidades con olas de calor, sequías, incendios forestales y aumentos del nivel del mar. Esto afecta de manera directa a la salud pública, particularmente a las poblaciones desatendidas.
El Condado de San Diego tomará medidas importantes para avanzar con soluciones climáticas a través de su Marco regional de descarbonización, un plan colaborativo para crear un lugar más sustentable para vivir, trabajar y jugar. Nuestro equipo quiere escuchar sus ideas sobre medidas que las personas, los negocios, las comunidades y los gobiernos pueden tomar para abordar y hacer frente a la emergencia climática.
Detalles de la reunión
Fecha: Martes 6 de diciembre
Horario: 6:30-8 p. m. por Zoom
La reunión se realizará en español, y habrá servicios de interpretación al inglés disponibles.
Regístrese con anticipación:
Después de haberse registrado, recibirá un correo electrónico de confirmación con información sobre cómo unirse a la reunión.
También hay servicios de traducción en directo disponibles a pedido en los siguientes idiomas: árabe, chino (mandarín), filipino (tagalo), coreano, persa (farsi y darí), somalí y vietnamita. Los servicios de interpretación se deben solicitar 5 días hábiles antes del evento. Envíe sus solicitudes a
Board of Supervisors to Receive Update on Regional Decarbonization Framework on August 31 at 9 a.m.
Share Board of Supervisors to Receive Update on Regional Decarbonization Framework on August 31 at 9 a.m. on Facebook Share Board of Supervisors to Receive Update on Regional Decarbonization Framework on August 31 at 9 a.m. on Twitter Share Board of Supervisors to Receive Update on Regional Decarbonization Framework on August 31 at 9 a.m. on Linkedin Email Board of Supervisors to Receive Update on Regional Decarbonization Framework on August 31 at 9 a.m. linkNotice of Public Hearing on August 31
The County invites you to attend the upcoming Board of Supervisors hearing on August 31, 2022, at 9 a.m. to hear an update for the Regional Decarbonization Framework as well as the proposed design of the Implementation Playbook – an accessible resource for all stakeholders in the region looking to adopt and implement decarbonization policies, programs, or projects.
You can participate in the hearing in person or virtually. Instructions on how to attend and provide comments can be found on the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors website. Please visit the project website for additional information on this framework.
Regional Decarbonization Framework Studies Now Available
Share Regional Decarbonization Framework Studies Now Available on Facebook Share Regional Decarbonization Framework Studies Now Available on Twitter Share Regional Decarbonization Framework Studies Now Available on Linkedin Email Regional Decarbonization Framework Studies Now Available linkRegional Decarbonization Framework – Studies Available for Public Viewing
Recognizing the need for a regional approach to addressing climate change, on January 27, 2021, the San Diego County Board of Supervisors voted to create a Regional Decarbonization Framework (Framework) to inform our collective future actions on reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the San Diego region. It is intended to supplement climate action planning efforts that are currently underway and chart collaborative pathways to implement our regional goals. As part of the Framework, there are two studies that have been completed and are available to the public:
San Diego Regional Decarbonization Framework: Technical Report is authored by a team led by the University of California San Diego School of Global Policy and Strategy, working in collaboration with the Energy Policy Initiatives Center at the University of San Diego School of Law and other consultants with technical expertise in energy, transportation, and building systems. This is the first study of its kind that quantifies the magnitude of the challenge in achieving meaningful reductions in regional GHG emissions if we act in silos as individuals, businesses, and governments. It shows that with collective effort, we can get to zero emissions in each sector of our economy by mid-century.
Putting San Diego County on the High Road: Climate Workforce Recommendations for 2030 and 2050 is authored by Inclusive Economics and a team of national experts in workforce development. It explores the ways in which actions to lower GHG emissions in the region’s industries can do so in ways that support the region’s workers.
These studies provide creative and collaborative solutions that can benefit us all in the region as well as the planet. They are available for public viewing through our website and at all County public libraries.
July 26 Virtual Public Meeting - Regional Decarbonization Framework
Share July 26 Virtual Public Meeting - Regional Decarbonization Framework on Facebook Share July 26 Virtual Public Meeting - Regional Decarbonization Framework on Twitter Share July 26 Virtual Public Meeting - Regional Decarbonization Framework on Linkedin Email July 26 Virtual Public Meeting - Regional Decarbonization Framework linkPlease Join Us on July 26 for a Virtual Public Meeting
The Regional Decarbonization Framework (Framework) team is hosting a public meeting on July 26, 2022, to provide members of the community with a summary of our first phase of the project/outreach efforts and to share the outreach plan for the next phase of the Framework process – identifying implementation pathways.
Workshop Details
When: Tuesday, July 26
Time: 6 – 8 p.m. on Zoom
Please register in advance:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
More information on the Framework and materials from previous meetings and workshops can be found on the project website. Additionally, please visit the project engagement portal where you can review and comment on the draft document.
We value your engagement in the Regional Decarbonization effort. If you have questions about the Framework moving forward, please contact the project team at
Who's Listening
RDF Program Manager
RDF Group Program Manager
Board of Supervisors Provided Initial Direction on Framework – January 27, 2021
Regional Decarbonization Framework has finished this stage -
Technical Report Released - November 2021
Regional Decarbonization Framework has finished this stage -
Workforce Development Study released – March 2, 2022
Regional Decarbonization Framework has finished this stage -
Let's Get There Playbook released - January 2023
Regional Decarbonization Framework has finished this stage -
Community Climate Conversations - June 13 - July 22, 2024
Regional Decarbonization Framework has finished this stage -
Receiving and Weaving Community Feedback
Regional Decarbonization Framework has finished this stage -
Fall/Winter 2024 - 2nd round of Community Climate Conversations
Regional Decarbonization Framework is currently at this stage -
Receiving and Weaving Community Feedback
this is an upcoming stage for Regional Decarbonization Framework -
Winter/Spring Community Climate Conversations
this is an upcoming stage for Regional Decarbonization Framework
RDF Infographic (1.17 MB) (pdf)
RDF Infographic Spanish (1.18 MB) (pdf)
RDF Infographic Farsi (1.2 MB) (pdf)
RDF Infographic Tagalog (1.17 MB) (pdf)
RDF Infographic Vietnamese (1.18 MB) (pdf)
RDF Infographic Somali (1.17 MB) (pdf)
RDF Infographic Arabic (1.2 MB) (pdf)
RDF Infographic Mandarin (1.7 MB) (pdf)
RDF Infographic Korean (1.68 MB) (pdf)