What is community based transportation (CBT)?

    The Community Based Transportation (CBT) Program will bring local residents, community organizations, and County staff together to identify transportation challenges and needs specific to individual communities within unincorporated San Diego County. For more information about the County’s CBT Program click here.

    How is CBT related to the County’s Development Feasibility Analysis project?

    On a parallel basis, the County is conducting a Development Feasibility Analysis (DFA) in the same four community to identify improvements needed to facilitate development, infrastructure advancements that will enhance development feasibility, and associated costs and timelines for building needed infrastructure. The CBT Program, and the resulting mobility plans, will not be limited to the study area boundaries set by the DFA project. CBT includes a holistic approach that will incorporate recommendations from the DFA as it aligns with outreach from CBT. While the DFA will study mobility concerns related to development in specific areas, CBT will comprehensively address transportation and connectivity concerns between, and beyond, these areas. Click here to learn more about DFA.

    How did the County select the Spring Valley area for the CBT Program?

    We’ve started this pilot program with four communities of focus: Buena Creek, Valle de Oro/Casa de Oro, Lakeside, and Spring Valley. These four communities were selected based on a variety of factors and unique attributes. As an Environmental Justice community, Spring Valley represents the County’s commitment to prioritizing communities disproportionately impacted by environmental hazards and socio-economic injustices. 

    How did the CBT team determine this study area within Spring Valley?

    In order to provide an assessment for each community, a boundary at the neighborhood level was established to define the limits of the study area. A narrowly defined study area ensures that the analysis remains focused on specific mobility issues and recommended transportation investments that address those issues. 

    For Spring Valley, this is a study that follows the area surrounding Sweetwater Road and Jamacha Blvd. 

    What is the Spring Valley study area for CBT?

    What is the Spring Valley MOVES plan and what will be included?

    The Spring Valley MOVES plan will serve as a visioning document designed to enhance transportation options and accessibility within the Spring Valley focus area to improve mobility, safety, and connectivity for all modes of transportation for users of all ages and abilities.  

     Spring Valley MOVES will include the following components: 

    • Demographic assessment of the study area 
    • List of prioritized transportation challenges (including gaps and barriers) 
    • Goals, objectives, and strategies 
    • Stakeholder engagement & public outreach strategies 
    • Recommended improvements and programs 
    • Potential implementation and funding sources 

    What will be included in Spring Valley’s Community Profile?

    This section of Spring Valley MOVES considers the overall community profile, including land use considerations and socio-economic characteristics in order to better understand the populations of that community. The transportation network must meet the needs of the residents, workers, visitors, and employment centers. 

    What will be included in the Community Needs Assessment (CNA)?

    Utilizing the County’s current Community Needs Assessment (CNA) framework, this section of Spring Valley MOVES is intended to determine the Community’s capacity for growth including:  

    • existing transportation conditions,
    • traffic forecast projections,  
    • mobility demand (pedestrian, bicycle, and transit ridership),  
    • mobility options and opportunities,  
    • land use capacities within the study area (residential/housing, commercial, industrial, agricultural, etc.)  

    The CNA will review past, present, and future mobility options related to all forms of transit including bus, rail, bike, and walking to identify opportunities to better connect to Mobility Hubs in unincorporated areas that lack transit options. This input will guide the project team in assessing the community’s needs and developing recommendations for consideration. 

    What types of travel will Spring Valley MOVES focus on?

    Roadway, bicycle, and pedestrian travel will be included in flexible design options that could be considered as part of the Spring Valley MOVES plan. These design options will be oriented towards improving safety for all users, reducing vehicular speeds, and improving access to pedestrian and bicycle facilities. The toolbox will provide the community a variety of options that can be considered based on the Community Needs Assessment. The list will not be all encompassing, and communities are encouraged to explore other options so long as they align with the program objectives to improve safety and provide an overall benefit to the community.  

    How can I be involved in this project?

    As a community-based effort, the development of the Spring Valley MOVES plan relies heavily on the collaborative engagement of a variety of partners, including community individuals, stakeholders, community-based organization (CBO’s), and more. Throughout the development of this plan, the County will take the lead in facilitating engagement to hear more about the experience of moving around in the Spring Valley area.  

    The engagement process will collect community input on areas of concern to determine the highest priorities for mobility improvements. 

    Your input will focus on: 

    • Community Needs Assessment data and findings
    • Draft Spring Valley MOVES plan, including but not limited to:
      1. recommendations for increased safety of pedestrians and bicycles,
      2. recommendations for improved access for vehicles and transit users, and
      3. specific transportation investment opportunities

    The engagement process will also facilitate input about potential improvements for the areas of concern. A toolbox of improvement options and potential policies and programs will help the community in identifying ideas and preferred options to be considered in Spring Valley MOVES.

    We will continue to use this page to publish upcoming events you can attend, drafts of the CNA and Spring Valley MOVES plan, and questionnaires to gain your input.