County of San Diego Budget 2023-2025

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Thank you for your contributions. Consultation on the County of San Diego 2023-25 budget has concluded. 

Review the adopted Operational Plan and Budget here.(External link)

 (External link)

UPDATE: County Board of Supervisors unanimously adopted a new $8.17 billion budget for Fiscal Year 2023-24 on June 27, 2023. All comments can be reviewed as part of Item #17 on the Board Agenda(External link) and review the Minute Order(External link).

The County’s Operational Plan, also referred to as the County Budget, is a two-year plan that shows how funds will be used for the first year and makes recommendations for the second year.

The County released the 2023-2025 Recommended Budget to the public on May 4. The Recommended Budget was prepared by examining the data, considering community feedback, and pinpointing

UPDATE: County Board of Supervisors unanimously adopted a new $8.17 billion budget for Fiscal Year 2023-24 on June 27, 2023. All comments can be reviewed as part of Item #17 on the Board Agenda(External link) and review the Minute Order(External link).

The County’s Operational Plan, also referred to as the County Budget, is a two-year plan that shows how funds will be used for the first year and makes recommendations for the second year.

The County released the 2023-2025 Recommended Budget to the public on May 4. The Recommended Budget was prepared by examining the data, considering community feedback, and pinpointing funding priorities. Public input will be collected through the County's e-Comments system until June 21 at 5 pm.

As we engage with you on the Recommended Budget, we want to ensure the process works for you. How do you prefer to be informed? What additional information about the process would be helpful to you?

See the tools below and provide your feedback.

Accessibility and Language Services:

Disability-related modifications or accommodations necessary to facilitate participation, and written materials in alternative languages and formats are available upon request. Please submit your request to link).

About the Budget:

So, what does the County Budget cover? In the unincorporated areas, the County provides things a city typically would, like roads, parks, libraries, and more.

But regionwide, the County has even larger responsibilities. For example, it provides services for mental health and substance use issues and provides food and medical assistance to those who need them. The County addresses homelessness and affordable housing, monitors public health for disease outbreaks, and inspects restaurants, buildings, gas stations, price scanners, harmful insects, and beach water.

The District Attorney’s Office, Probation, Office of Emergency Services, and Child Support provide services to the entire county too. The Sheriff’s Department oversees the unincorporated area but is also paid by some cities for law enforcement. The County runs elections, collects property taxes, keeps vital records and the list goes on.

Funding must support all existing programs and cover new ones. Where does the money for the budget come from? A large share comes from the state and federal governments. But those tax dollars must be spent on certain programs. Some money comes in from property taxes, fees for services, and other sources.

Once the state and federal dollars are accounted for, the County looks at what funds are left to spend and considers how to get the most out of the remaining tax dollars.

Learn More:

To learn more about the Recommended Budget, review the information on the right-hand side of this page and visit San Diego County Open Budget(External link).

Thank you for your contributions. Consultation on the County of San Diego 2023-25 budget has concluded. 

Review the adopted Operational Plan and Budget here.(External link)

 (External link)

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Total Votes : 9