Where is Casa de Oro located?
What kind of physical improvements could the Improvement District fund?
Physical upgrades like more sidewalks, community events, and/or maintenance or safety improvements such as more trees, street lights, and graffiti clean-up.
How would additional services and improvements be funded for a business or property?
With the approval of the business or property owner, the business or property would be assessed to fund supplemental services, activities, and infrastructure improvements beyond those provided by the County.
What is the goal of the Corridor Revitalization Specific plan?
To improve the appearance, safety, and quality of life along the 60 acres of land Campo Road Commercial Corridor.
When was the Campo Road Corridor Revitalization Specific Plan adopted?
January 11, 2023
What does the Campo Road Corridor Revitalization Specific Plan cover?
It covers 60 acres of land (42 acres excluding roads) along Campo Road, from Rogers Road to Granada Avenue. This area is the commercial and civic center of the Casa de Oro community. The plan focuses mainly on the commercial area and extends one block north and south of Campo Road. It is part of the Valle de Oro Community Plan Area, which includes Casa de Oro, Mount Helix, and Rancho San Diego.
What is an Improvement District?
An Improvement District is a voluntary partnership organized to plan, fund, and implement desired improvements within a specific geographic area, or district. The results of the survey will inform and determine how the County can assist property and business owners to plan, fund, and implement desired improvements in the Casa de Oro business district. The formation of any actual district may require formal Board direction and/or a vote by property owners, depending on the type of improvement district proposed. This survey is not meant to be a formal vote to establish a finance district.