CEQA Definitions
Lead Agency
The public agency with the primary responsibility for carrying out or approving a project. For the Climate Action Plan Update Supplement EIR, the Lead Agency is the County of San Diego, Planning and Development Services.
Responsible Agency
A public agency with discretionary authority over a project, or a portion of it, but which has not been designated as the Lead Agency.
Notice of Preparation
A notice sent by the lead agency to notify the responsible agencies, trustee agencies, and involved federal agencies that the lead agency to prepare an environmental impact report (EIR). This is the first step in the EIR process.
View the CAP Update Notice of Preparation here (December 23, 2020).
Scoping is the first step in the EIR process. Scoping is designed to examine a project early in the EIR review process. During the scoping process, the public and agencies are encouraged to provide input. Scoping is intended to identify the range of issues stemming from the proposed project, alternatives, and mitigation measures.
Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Report (Draft SEIR)
The Draft SEIR is the first review document released as part of the EIR process. The Draft SEIR is an informational document that details any significant environmental effects that the proposed project may cause and potential ways to minimize or mitigate those effects. The Draft SEIR also includes a reasonable range of alternatives to the proposed project.
Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Report
The Final SEIR consists of: (1) the draft SEIR, (2) comments and recommendations received on the Draft SEIR; (3) the responses of the lead agency to the significant environmental points raised during the public comment period; (4) a list of individuals and agencies who commented on the Draft SEIR; (5) any additional information added by the lead agency (e.g., revisions to the Draft SEIR and Appendices).
Project Alternatives
Project Alternatives are project designs that vary from the proposed project. The designs meet most of the proposed project’s objectives while still lessening environmental impacts.
Significant Environmental Impacts
A substantial, or potentially substantial, harmful change in any of the physical conditions within the Draft Climate Action Plan area including aesthetics, agriculture and forestry resources, air quality, biological resources, hydrology and water quality, noise, transportation, cultural and paleontological resources, land use and planning, and Tribal cultural resources. Economic or social changes are not considered a significant effect on the environment.
Mitigation Measures
Measures to lessen, or minimize, significant environmental impacts of the Climate Action Plan on the physical environment.