Climate Action Plan Update Supplemental EIR

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Thank you for your input and feedback on the County’s Climate Action Plan (CAP). The CAP was adopted by the Board of Supervisors on September 11th, 2024. Stay tuned for future opportunities to provide feedback as the County implements the CAP to achieve bold greenhouse gas emissions reductions, community co-benefits, and equity based outcomes.


In response to the climate emergency, the County is preparing the Climate Action Plan (CAP) Update to implement bold climate actions that reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from the unincorporated county and County operations.

The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) requires states and local agencies to identify any potential significant effects a proposed project may have on a physical environment. In accordance with CEQA, the County prepared a Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Report (Draft SEIR) for the Draft CAP Update.

The Draft SEIR includes:

  • Analysis of the potential physical effects of the project across a variety of environmental topics
  • Mitigation measures to reduce potentially significant impacts
  • Analysis of alternatives that could meet the project objectives while resulting in fewer environmental effects

Public Review of the Draft SEIR

The Draft CAP Update and Draft SEIR were available for an extended (71-day) public review period from October 26, 2023, through January 5th, 2024.

Draft Final CAP Update and Final CAP Update SEIR

The Draft CAP and Draft SEIR were revised to reflect feedback received during public review. The latest versions of all project documents, including the Draft Final CAP Update and Final CAP Update SEIR, can be viewed online by clicking here.

CAP Update Adoption

On September 11, 2024, the Board of Supervisors adopted the CAP Update. The Final 2024 CAP project documents will be posted online soon.

Stay Informed

Ask us a question on the County’s CAP or sign up for email updates by entering your email address under 'Stay Informed' on this page.

Thank you for your input and feedback on the County’s Climate Action Plan (CAP). The CAP was adopted by the Board of Supervisors on September 11th, 2024. Stay tuned for future opportunities to provide feedback as the County implements the CAP to achieve bold greenhouse gas emissions reductions, community co-benefits, and equity based outcomes.


In response to the climate emergency, the County is preparing the Climate Action Plan (CAP) Update to implement bold climate actions that reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from the unincorporated county and County operations.

The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) requires states and local agencies to identify any potential significant effects a proposed project may have on a physical environment. In accordance with CEQA, the County prepared a Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Report (Draft SEIR) for the Draft CAP Update.

The Draft SEIR includes:

  • Analysis of the potential physical effects of the project across a variety of environmental topics
  • Mitigation measures to reduce potentially significant impacts
  • Analysis of alternatives that could meet the project objectives while resulting in fewer environmental effects

Public Review of the Draft SEIR

The Draft CAP Update and Draft SEIR were available for an extended (71-day) public review period from October 26, 2023, through January 5th, 2024.

Draft Final CAP Update and Final CAP Update SEIR

The Draft CAP and Draft SEIR were revised to reflect feedback received during public review. The latest versions of all project documents, including the Draft Final CAP Update and Final CAP Update SEIR, can be viewed online by clicking here.

CAP Update Adoption

On September 11, 2024, the Board of Supervisors adopted the CAP Update. The Final 2024 CAP project documents will be posted online soon.

Stay Informed

Ask us a question on the County’s CAP or sign up for email updates by entering your email address under 'Stay Informed' on this page.

  • CLOSED: Comments on the Draft SEIR must be received in writing no later than January 5, 2024, at 4:00 PM.

    The comment period is now closed. If you would like to receive email updates on the project, please enter your email address under 'Stay Informed'.

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