
    Zoning is a method to classify parcels or areas of land for particular uses, such as residential or agriculture. The Zoning Ordinance defines a zone as “a mapped area to which a uniform set of regulations applies, or a uniform set of regulations described by a use designator, an animal designator, a development designator, and an optional special area designator." Please view the zoning map for more information.

    Use Type

    The Zoning Ordinance includes different use types, which are different activities allowed within the unincorporated County across the different zones. The Zoning Ordinance defines a ‘Use’ as “the purpose for which land or a building is occupied, arranged, designed, or intended, or for which land or a building is or may be occupied or maintained. In the Zoning Ordinance, all uses are classified under one of the following categories: Residential, Civic, Commercial, Industrial, Agricultural, and Extractive."

    Sensitive Uses

    The State defines sensitive uses as schools (K-12), day cares, and youth centers and requires that cannabis facilities maintain a 600-foot radius setback from these uses unless the local jurisdiction specifies a different distance (CA Business and Professions Code, Div 10, Ch 5, Section 26054.b).