Key Dates
Release of Notice of Preparation and Scoping Period Begins
The County prepared and released a Notice of Preparation (NOP) on September 15, 2023, for public review and comment. The public comment period provided an opportunity for agency staff and interested members of the public to submit written and verbal comments on the scope of the environmental issues to be addressed in the EIR, including any suggestions for measures or alternatives that should be considered to minimize environmental impacts.
Virtual Scoping Meeting #1
6 p.m.
First of two virtual public scoping meetings hosted by the County to present an overview of the Cannabis Program and CEQA and to gather verbal comments on the scope and content of the EIR.
Virtual Scoping Meeting #2
6 p.m.
Second of two virtual public scoping meetings hosted by the County to present an overview of the Cannabis Program and CEQA and to gather verbal comments on the scope and content of the EIR.
Scoping Period Closes
The County prepared and released a Notice of Preparation (NOP) on September 15, 2023, for public review and comment and held two virtual public scoping meetings on October 12 and 17, 2023. The public comment period ended on October 31, 2023.
Virtual Public Meetings: Licensing Outreach Recap & Draft EIR Guidance
The County hosted two virtual public meetings on October 23 and October 29, 2024 at 6 PM. At these meetings, staff:
- Recapped the feedback received during the summer 2024 Licensing and Enforcement outreach meetings
- Informed stakeholders of the Draft EIR public review timeline and next steps
- Provided an overview of the Draft EIR public review process
- Explained how to submit effective comments on the Draft EIR
Couldn't Attend? View the Recording or the Presentation Slides.
Virtual Draft EIR Comment Meeting #1
First of three virtual meetings hosted by the County to present an overview of the Cannabis Program Draft EIR and to gather public comments.
Couldn't attend? View the video recording or the presentation slides.
Virtual Draft EIR Comment Meeting #2
Second of three virtual meetings hosted by the County to present an overview of the Cannabis Program Draft EIR and to gather public comments.
Couldn't attend? View the video recording or presentation slides.
Virtual Draft EIR Comment Meeting #3
Third of three virtual meetings hosted by the County to present an overview of the Cannabis Program Draft EIR and to gather public comments.
Couldn't attend? View the video recording or presentation slides.
Draft EIR Open House #1 - Lakeside County Library
The first of two in-person open house events for the Draft EIR.
These in-person events will include opportunities to:
Review the Draft EIR and draft ordinances
Talk with representatives from the County
Ask questions and get answers
Submit your comments
Draft EIR Open House #2 - Valley Center County Library
The second of two in-person open house events for the Draft EIR.
These in-person events will include opportunities to:
Review the Draft EIR and draft ordinances
Talk with representatives from the County
Ask questions and get answers
Submit your comments