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What is the Consolidated Plan and Annual Action Plan
Each year, the County’s Housing and Community Development Services (HCDS) receives approximately $14 million in federal entitlement funding from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). This funding is intended to provide increased affordable housing opportunities, support access to public services, and expand community infrastructure to create thriving communities. As required by HUD, the County is responsible for developing a Consolidated Plan every 5 yearsand an Annual Action Plan for each program year.
The Consolidated Plan is an evaluation of all housing and community development needs in the region, especially the unincorporated County. The Consolidated Plan is a strategic 5-year plan that incorporates market conditions and community input to establish new 5-year goals and objectives applicable to the four federal entitlement programs that the County administers through HCDS.
These programs include:
Community Development Block Grant(CDBG): Supports communities by addressing local housing and community development needs. Areas Served: Unincorporated San Diego County, Coronado, Del Mar, Imperial Beach, Lemon Grove, Poway, and Solana Beach.
HOME Investment Partnerships Program(HOME): Primarily used to fund the development of affordable housing and rental assistance to lower-income households. Areas Served: Unincorporated San Diego County, Carlsbad, Coronado, Del Mar, Encinitas, Imperial Beach, La Mesa, Lemon Grove, Poway, San Marcos, Santee, Solana Beach, and Vista.
Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG): Provides direct services to persons experiencing homelessness or at risk of homelessness. Areas Served: Unincorporated San Diego County, Coronado, Del Mar, Imperial Beach, Lemon Grove, Poway, and Solana Beach.
Each year, HCDS is also responsible for creating an Annual Action Plan (Annual Plan), which includes an annual strategy that includes community input and serves as an action plan to achieve the 5-year Consolidated Plan goals. The Annual Plan also includes a summary of recommended projects and activities for the new program year, as well as a plan for the fiscal year allocation of the four entitlement programs.
Community Input Opportunities
Receiving community input is vital in determining the County's community development and housing needs, as well as developing the 2025-2029 Consolidated Plan and 2025-26 Annual Plan.
Community input can help set funding priorities for community infrastructure, affordable housing, public services, and more. There are multiple ways to provide your input and stay engaged throughout the Consolidated Plan and Annual Plan process.
Complete an online Community Input Questionnaire by August 12, 2024
Attend an online or in-person Community Input Session
Stay Engaged
Subscribe to receive project updates and public comment notices STAY INFORMED
We look forward to hearing from you!
What is the Consolidated Plan and Annual Action Plan
Each year, the County’s Housing and Community Development Services (HCDS) receives approximately $14 million in federal entitlement funding from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). This funding is intended to provide increased affordable housing opportunities, support access to public services, and expand community infrastructure to create thriving communities. As required by HUD, the County is responsible for developing a Consolidated Plan every 5 yearsand an Annual Action Plan for each program year.
The Consolidated Plan is an evaluation of all housing and community development needs in the region, especially the unincorporated County. The Consolidated Plan is a strategic 5-year plan that incorporates market conditions and community input to establish new 5-year goals and objectives applicable to the four federal entitlement programs that the County administers through HCDS.
These programs include:
Community Development Block Grant(CDBG): Supports communities by addressing local housing and community development needs. Areas Served: Unincorporated San Diego County, Coronado, Del Mar, Imperial Beach, Lemon Grove, Poway, and Solana Beach.
HOME Investment Partnerships Program(HOME): Primarily used to fund the development of affordable housing and rental assistance to lower-income households. Areas Served: Unincorporated San Diego County, Carlsbad, Coronado, Del Mar, Encinitas, Imperial Beach, La Mesa, Lemon Grove, Poway, San Marcos, Santee, Solana Beach, and Vista.
Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG): Provides direct services to persons experiencing homelessness or at risk of homelessness. Areas Served: Unincorporated San Diego County, Coronado, Del Mar, Imperial Beach, Lemon Grove, Poway, and Solana Beach.
Each year, HCDS is also responsible for creating an Annual Action Plan (Annual Plan), which includes an annual strategy that includes community input and serves as an action plan to achieve the 5-year Consolidated Plan goals. The Annual Plan also includes a summary of recommended projects and activities for the new program year, as well as a plan for the fiscal year allocation of the four entitlement programs.
Community Input Opportunities
Receiving community input is vital in determining the County's community development and housing needs, as well as developing the 2025-2029 Consolidated Plan and 2025-26 Annual Plan.
Community input can help set funding priorities for community infrastructure, affordable housing, public services, and more. There are multiple ways to provide your input and stay engaged throughout the Consolidated Plan and Annual Plan process.
Complete an online Community Input Questionnaire by August 12, 2024
Attend an online or in-person Community Input Session
Stay Engaged
Subscribe to receive project updates and public comment notices STAY INFORMED
Share CDBG Application Information on FacebookShare CDBG Application Information on TwitterShare CDBG Application Information on LinkedinEmail CDBG Application Information link
Process: HCDS will accept application from September 30, 2024 through November 27, 2024. Applications must include a project within the program service areas of the unincorporated area, the City of Coronado, Del Mar, Imperial Beach, Lemon Grove, PowayandSolana Beach.Eligibleapplications will:
Meet CDBG program eligibility requirementsoutlined in the application guide,
Supports the County’s goal of advancing economic and racial equity by prioritizing the needs of vulnerable communities in the region.
Applications with eligible projects will be included in the 2025-2026 Annual Plan for the San Diego County Board of Supervisor’s consideration. Approved projects are awarded CDBG contracts and funding and monitoring requirements are further administered by the County for the fiscal year 2025-2026.
Eligible Applicants: All CDBG projects must be implemented by a public entity or tax-exempt non-profit organization. Applications submitted by nonprofit organizations must be submitted by an authorized representative, as authorized by the organization’s Board of Directors.Private residents may submit a separate Resident Request Application. Please note “Resident Request” applications are not intended to be awarded to private residents for projects or services.
Instructions: The online CDBG application does not allow applicants to save their progress. To ensure readiness, please review the following resources prior to completing the application for questions and required supportive documents. All supportive documents must be uploaded directly to the application.
CDBG Application Virtual Sessions: To receiveone-on-one technical assistance, guidance, and receive general information about the CDBG program and the application process, we encourage interested applicants to attend a CBG Application Virtual Session. These sessionsare available to non-profit organizations, County departments, participating CDBG city departments, and community members who want to learn more about funding a CDBG project idea.
Share Consolidated Plan Process on FacebookShare Consolidated Plan Process on TwitterShare Consolidated Plan Process on LinkedinEmail Consolidated Plan Process link
The current Consolidated Plan is in effect for the period of Fiscal Years 2020-2024 (July 1, 2020, to June 30, 2025).
Feedback through community engagement sessions and questionnaire will help to develop the 2025-2029 Consolidated Plan, which covers the time from July 1, 2025, through June 30, 2030. The 2025-2029 Consolidated Plan will be presented to the Board of Supervisors in Spring 2025 and available for public comment for at least 30 days prior.
The five-year Consolidated Plan follows an annual cycle which includes three stages, resulting in the following documents: the Annual Plan Strategy, the Annual Plan, and the Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER). The Annual Plan Strategy is the first stage of the cycle. The Annual Plan Strategy relies on public input, allowing the public to make recommendations on how the County will prioritize projects and meet annual goals. The second stage results in the Annual Plan, which provides a list of recommended projects for funding to the San Diego County Board of Supervisors (Board). The third and final stage is the CAPER, which details the outcomes and accomplishments from the prior year’s Annual Plan.
2025-2029 Consolidated Plan & 2025-26 Annual Plan has finished this stage
We encourage community members, organizations, and community stakeholders to share their feedback on community needs and areas of prioritizes for the 2025-29 Consolidated Plan as it relates to the 4 HUD entitlement programs: CDBG, HOME, ESG and HOPWA.
Complete a Community Input Questionnaire (or)
Attend a Community Input Session
Sept- Oct 2024 Proposed Consolidated Plan Goals
2025-2029 Consolidated Plan & 2025-26 Annual Plan has finished this stage
Based on feedback from the community input sessions and surveys, HCDS will propose strategic goals for the upcoming 2025-29 Consolidated Plan. These proposed goals will be available for public comment for 30 days and presented to the Board of Supervisors as the conclusion of the public comment period for approval.
Oct 22, 2024 Proposed 2025-29 Consolidated Plan Strategy Board Hearing
2025-2029 Consolidated Plan & 2025-26 Annual Plan has finished this stage
During this public hearing HHSA HCDS will present the proposed 2025-29 Consolidated Plan's strategy including identified community needs and strategic 5-year goals. This hearing will conclude the 30-day public comment period.
Sept 30- Nov 27, 2024, CDBG Application Submission Period
2025-2029 Consolidated Plan & 2025-26 Annual Plan has finished this stage
CDBG Project Proposal Applications must be received by 5:00pm on November 27, 2024.
Dec 2024- Feb 2025 CDBG Application Review Period
2025-2029 Consolidated Plan & 2025-26 Annual Plan is currently at this stage
CDBG Project Proposal Applications will be reviewed and assessed for HUD eligibility and project viability for Fiscal Year 2025-2026. All identified projects must reflect alignment with the proposed 2025-2029 Consolidated Plan goals.
Feb-March 2025 Draft 2025-29 Consolidated Plan and 2025-26 Annual Plan
this is an upcoming stage for 2025-2029 Consolidated Plan & 2025-26 Annual Plan
The full Consolidated Plan, including a review of community feedback, in-depth market profiles, and an assessment of current County policies and procedures related to housing and community development is available for review. In addition to the Consolidated Plan, the 2025-2026 Annual Plan will identify projects recommended for funding in the upcoming year. The documents will be available for public review for at least 30 days.
March 2025 Board of Supervisors Mtg - Public Hearing
this is an upcoming stage for 2025-2029 Consolidated Plan & 2025-26 Annual Plan
The 2025-29 Consolidated Plan and 2025-26 Annual Plan will be presented to the Board of Supervisors. This hearing will conclude the public comment period as required by HUD.
July 2025 New Consolidated Plan Takes Effect
this is an upcoming stage for 2025-2029 Consolidated Plan & 2025-26 Annual Plan
The approved Consolidated Plan goals take effect and all projects recommended for funding in the 2025-2026 Annual Plan are implemented.