San Diego River Park Financing District

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The goal of the San Diego River Park (SDRP) is to build a connected trail from the mountains to the beach. This connection would enhance recreational opportunities for more than 500,000 area residents. Opportunities such as smaller parks, trails, and nature centers. The connection would also improve the quality of habitats in the watershed.

For more than 20 years, SDRP supporters have been working on a plan to build the river park and trail. Supporters include local governments, business and landowners, and environmental and non-profit organizations State conservancies have also been part of the effort.

A plan that covers many

The goal of the San Diego River Park (SDRP) is to build a connected trail from the mountains to the beach. This connection would enhance recreational opportunities for more than 500,000 area residents. Opportunities such as smaller parks, trails, and nature centers. The connection would also improve the quality of habitats in the watershed.

For more than 20 years, SDRP supporters have been working on a plan to build the river park and trail. Supporters include local governments, business and landowners, and environmental and non-profit organizations State conservancies have also been part of the effort.

A plan that covers many miles of proposed trails managed by different landowners is a significant effort. It requires a lot of planning, a committee to oversee progress, and a dedicated budget.

Until now, jurisdictions have been separately managing land purchases and trail development. The project needs reliable funding to connect these efforts today and in the future. The County has proposed an Enhanced Infrastructure Financing District (EIFD) as the solution. An EIFD ensures there is dedicated funding for future projects that are part of the SDRP. Both the City and County of San Diego support this effort.

A Public Financing Authority (PFA) committee will manage the EIFD. The PFA is established when the district is formed.

The County has initiated the multi-step process to form the EIFD. Feedback through the PFA will help inform the development of the Infrastructure Financing Plan. It will be presented to the Board of Supervisors for their consideration.

How can you participate in the process?

  • Stay informed by reviewing the information on this site
  • Share the information with others
  • Apply to be a PFA member using the tool below
  • Participate in the engagement tools on this site
  • Contribute to conversations at public meetings and attend hearings
  • Ask questions

EIFD Fundamentals

What is an EIFD and how does it work?

An EIFD is a new model for financing public infrastructure. Instead of charging new taxes or tax increases, it uses a portion of future property tax increment. The EIFD then uses that part to issue bonds to pay for improvements in defined areas. An EIFD does not create new taxes or fees for residents, businesses, and property owners. It also does not collect tax increments from educational agencies.

See Government Code Sections 53398.50 through 53398.88 for more on the law related to EIFDs.

For more information about EIFDs please view FAQs.

  • EIFDs are governed by a Public Financing Authority (PFA). The San Diego River Park PFA will be made up of seven members, four elected officials and three local community members who live or work in the district area. The PFA oversees the creation of the District’s Infrastructure Financing Plan (IFP), which outlines the specific projects the District will fund. The PFA connects the community and its local government.

    All persons appointed to the Public Financing Authority shall be residents of the County of San Diego at the time of appointment and shall remain residents of the County throughout their term of appointment. Additional information can be found in Board Policy A-74 Participation in County Boards, Commissions, and Committees. Members of the Public Financing Authority will be required to file Statements of Economic Interests – FPPC Form 700. The Form 700 is a public document. For more information, please visit this webpage.

    Complete Application
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Page last updated: 30 Aug 2024, 10:28 AM