Ambulance Ordinance

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Project Overview

The San Diego region offers a robust Emergency Medical Services (EMS) System of emergency, specialty, and trauma medical care through its cooperating hospitals. The County of San Diego (County), in its role as the Local Emergency Medical Services Agency (LEMSA), oversees and upholds the standards of the EMS system. This includes regulating ambulances, air ambulances, and non-emergency medical transportation services.

The current Ambulance Ordinance sets operational, administrative, and other standards for these service providers and was last updated and amended in June 2013 (Link).

The County EMS Office issues annual permits to:

  • Ambulance companies
  • Critical care transport providers
  • Air ambulance services
  • Non-emergency medical transportation services (e.g., wheelchair vans, gurney vans, and ambulettes)


Since the last Ambulance Ordinance amendment, the local EMS delivery system has undergone changes and there have been improvements to both regional and national standards for the regulation of medical transportation. The County's EMS Office has identified the need to update the Ambulance Ordinance with the following goals:

  1. Update operational standards for ambulance providers to improve coordination and care within the local EMS delivery system
  2. Improve safety standards for EMS providers, patients, and the general public
  3. Provide an equitable regulatory model for agencies and organizations that participate in the EMS delivery system
  4. Improve standards for quality assurance/quality improvement to achieve high-quality, patient-centered care
  5. Update all local EMS authority naming conventions and titles
  6. Identify opportunities to better align with regional and national standards for medical transportation
  7. Align with the County's strategic initiatives of sustainability, equity, empower, community, and justice

In developing the Ambulance Ordinance update, many factors will be considered including:

  • Industry research
  • Best practices
  • Public and stakeholder input
  • Regional and national standards

How you can participate in the process:

  • Stay informed by reviewing the information on this site
  • Share the information with others
  • Participate in the engagement tools on this site
  • Speak up! Don't hesitate to ask questions

Project Overview

The San Diego region offers a robust Emergency Medical Services (EMS) System of emergency, specialty, and trauma medical care through its cooperating hospitals. The County of San Diego (County), in its role as the Local Emergency Medical Services Agency (LEMSA), oversees and upholds the standards of the EMS system. This includes regulating ambulances, air ambulances, and non-emergency medical transportation services.

The current Ambulance Ordinance sets operational, administrative, and other standards for these service providers and was last updated and amended in June 2013 (Link).

The County EMS Office issues annual permits to:

  • Ambulance companies
  • Critical care transport providers
  • Air ambulance services
  • Non-emergency medical transportation services (e.g., wheelchair vans, gurney vans, and ambulettes)


Since the last Ambulance Ordinance amendment, the local EMS delivery system has undergone changes and there have been improvements to both regional and national standards for the regulation of medical transportation. The County's EMS Office has identified the need to update the Ambulance Ordinance with the following goals:

  1. Update operational standards for ambulance providers to improve coordination and care within the local EMS delivery system
  2. Improve safety standards for EMS providers, patients, and the general public
  3. Provide an equitable regulatory model for agencies and organizations that participate in the EMS delivery system
  4. Improve standards for quality assurance/quality improvement to achieve high-quality, patient-centered care
  5. Update all local EMS authority naming conventions and titles
  6. Identify opportunities to better align with regional and national standards for medical transportation
  7. Align with the County's strategic initiatives of sustainability, equity, empower, community, and justice

In developing the Ambulance Ordinance update, many factors will be considered including:

  • Industry research
  • Best practices
  • Public and stakeholder input
  • Regional and national standards

How you can participate in the process:

  • Stay informed by reviewing the information on this site
  • Share the information with others
  • Participate in the engagement tools on this site
  • Speak up! Don't hesitate to ask questions
Page last updated: 13 Dec 2024, 11:24 AM